09 April 2011

End of the week goal checkup

1.  Gym twice a week-  I did it!  By the skin of my teeth since my first trip was last night and the second was this morning, but I did it!  Thats why I decided to post this today instead of yesterday. 

2.  Finish cleaning old room- hahahaha.  no new progress.

3.  Make 2 new recipes- no new progress.  A new brownie recipe has been on my to-do list for a week but I haven't made it yet.

4.  Make some extra income- I'm working on starting my partylite business (my starter show is scheduled for the 21), all my etsy stuff is listed and its just a matter of waiting it feels like.  I'm also working on booking new shows for partylite. 

5.  Submit Flex Spend-  I have to wait on this til my 2 doctor appointments next Friday.  With these two it will eat up the last of my flex spend monies so I figured it was best just to wait until I had all the reciepts and can get all my money back.

6.  Make some crafts for sale.- I bought some new stamping supplies so I figured I'd work on some more paper crafts soon. Haven't actually done anything yet though.

7. The forgotten goal- read 10 books.  So far I've finished one and I'm almost done with a second, and halfway through a third.

07 April 2011

Seven Deadly Sins...Sloth

Seven things I neglect to do...

I'm kind of a procrastinator in general and easily forget to do things so this is an easy list for me :)

Wash the Dog- this has been on my to-do list for almost a month I think.  It's so hard to work up the energy to do this

Clean out my car- I always seem to find a reason not to.

Go to the gym- again I always come up with a reason not to go.

Clean the house- I could have broken this out into various tasks but in general I slack off on cleaning.  It doesn't help that Wesley is much more of a neat freak than I and breaks down on cleaning first.  Except the bathroom I seem to be the one who freaks out and cleans there.

Making Phone Calls- Whether it is returning a call, making an appointment or whatever, its hard for me to work up the energy to do this for some reason.  Everyone should just email, I'm good at that.

Returning items- I can easily work up energy to go buy things, but I'm much worse at getting rid of them.

Hanging Pictures- pictures can sit around for a good solid month before I work up the energy to grab a hammer and a nail and put it up.  I just keep telling myself I'm still deciding where it should go...

If you want to join in, follow the list below!
Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.
Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

04 April 2011

Weekly Money Check-Up

This post is part of My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check Up.   

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a student loan payment- $151.
2. Today I am thankful for mudslidesI'm enjoying one as I type. 
3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was learn how to quilt.  I made my first quilt block!  I have to wait for the second class to finish it.
4. I will consider this week a success if I manage to wash the dog.  I've been slacking.
5. The last dream I had was some bizarre dream involving a weird version of my Grad school.  I can barely remember it.  


If you'd like to participate, fill this out and link it back to My Pretty Pennies.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on _____.
2. Today I am thankful ___________.
3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was_____________.
4. I will consider this week a success if I _____________.
5. The last dream I had _______________.

01 April 2011

Goals for April

Here goes the new goals for April

1.  Gym twice a week- I'd really like to go for three times, but we'll start with twice a week for my goal and bump it up to 3 times for May hopefully.

2.  Finish cleaning old room-  oh the perpetual goal is back again.  I feel I have to keep putting it on this list until I actually accomplish it.

3.  Make 2 new recipes-  I did it last month, I can do it again!  I have plans for a new soup and to try another brownie recipe.

4.  Make some extra income-  I have my stuff on etsy to sell, some things I might put on ebay, some old books for Amazon, and I might become a partylite consultant. Thats a lot of opportunities for extra income, so we'll see how it goes!

5.  Submit Flex Spend-  I have some receipts saved to submit for my flex spend refund and I really need to get around to doing it.

6.  Make some crafts for sale.-  I want to work on more projects to list.  Nothing specific in mind yet, but I need to make more things. 

I think 6 goals is sufficient for this month.  We'll see how it goes!

31 March 2011

Seven Deadly Sins...Wrath

Seven things that piss me off...

1.  People who drive below the speed limit.  It drives me CRAZY!!

2.  People who think they are better than everyone else.  Their is nothing that makes me angrier than someone who thinks that their shit don't stink. 

3.  People who ride your ass or sit in your blind spot.  I may have some road rage issues...

4.  Republicans.  I am a die hard liberal.  I don't want to make this political but Republicans make me angrier than  anything else. Not people who are moderate about their beliefs, but the ultra conservative Christian right mostly.  And really I'm okay with people believing in what they want, but I just can't handle hearing about most of those ultra right wing beliefs.

5.  Anyone trying to push their beliefs on me.  It doesn't matter what they believe (even if I agree) people who push their beliefs on others piss me off.

6.  Pushy salesmen.  I hate being pushed around.  Usually its car salesmen but I had a bad experience at LA Fitness also. 

7.  Screwing up in the Kitchen.  I get furious when things start to go wrong in the kitchen, weather it is my fault or happenstance I get really angry and commence swearing.  Although in the end I usually feel better (as long as the final product turns out okay) but I cook with anger. 
Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

30 March 2011

End of the Month Checkup

Okay so I'm a day early but I don't think I'm going to make any additional progress towards  the goals tomorrow, so here goes...

1. Complete my No Eating Out Challenge- FAIL

2. Read 10 books!- FAIL  I only managed to finish 4 books, but I'm in the middle of two more.

3. Sell 2 craft items-FAIL  I sold nothing. But I got a bunch of stuff listed.  Thats something. 

4. Finish Cleaning out old room- FAIL  I cleaned out some but I'm not finished yet. 

5. Make 2 new recipes-  PASS  I made a new soup recipe and tried out a brownie recipe. 

6. Do Pilates everyday-PASS  I did at least a little bit everyday!!  

It looks like I failed a lot, but I made progress in everything  (except number one)  so I feel decent about the month.  I'm hopeful that I'll do even better in April though.  

25 March 2011

End of the week check-up

1. Complete my No Eating Out Challenge- Busted awhile ago

2. Read 10 books!-4 down! 6 to go.

3. Sell 2 craft items- I now have 26 items in my shop, getting some views, featured in a treasury, but no sales yet.

4. Finish Cleaning out old room- I haven't made any progress in a while.  I really have to work on this.

5. Make 2 new recipes- I made fudge brownies.  Still need to do one more.

6. Do Pilates everyday- 25/25 but I haven't done a full pilates session in a while.  This has mostly been little things.  I did just sign up for a gym that has pilates classes though so I will hopefully be able to do more soon. 

22 March 2011

Seven Deadly Sins...Envy

7 things I lack and covet.

1.  Good Social Skills.  Okay so I'm not some weirdo that can't carry on simple chit chat, but I lack the type of personality that allows me to talk to anyone and everyone which I'm always very jealous of.  

2.  Self-Esteem/Confidence.  As relating to number one, I wish I was more confident and sure of myself.  I can be pretty hard on myself (hence 7 prideful things about myself was difficult)

3.  A fit body.  I'm working on it but I'm so jealous of the people who are effortlessly fit and thin.

4.  Fashion Sense.  A few of my friends have fabulous fashion sense and every time I put an outfit together I feel like I'm fumbling around.

5.  A neat house.  Our apartment is somewhat messy and it is ENTIRELY my fault.  Wesley is so neat and tidy and I have a seriously hard time being the same way.  I wish it came easier to me and I could live in a magazine style house (except a little more lived in).

6.  Having no student loans.  The student loans hanging over my head are somewhat of a burden and I wish I could be loan free.  I think more than anything I'm jealous of the type of people that never had to work or take out loans to pay for school.

7.  Art skills.  I wish I could decorate my house with my own art, but I just suck.  I can't draw a damn thing.  Or paint.  Or sculpt. Or anything.  I suck. 

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

21 March 2011

Weekly Money Checkup

This post is part of My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check Up. 

 1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a scrapbooking retreat.  $200 for my hotel and a weekend of scrappin.

2. Today I feel good towards money.  nothing to report really.  I spent a lot of money, but I’m not anxious or anything about it.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was snuggle with Wesley after being apart for a while.

4. I will consider this week a success if I make a decision about signing up for a gym.  I’ve been contemplating signing up for a gym membership for a while and I finally narrowed it down to 2 chain gyms in the area and now I have to decide between the two.

5. I am thankful for coffee.  I just really love a nice cup of coffee.  

If you'd like to participate, fill this out and link it back to My Pretty Pennies.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on _____.
2. Today I feel _______towards money.
3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was_____________.
4. I will consider this week a success if I _____________.
5. I am thankful for _____________.


20 March 2011

End of the Week Checkup

1.  Complete my No Eating Out Challenge- Bust I don’t want to talk about it.  
2.  Read 10 books!-2 down!  8 to go. Still.
3.  Sell 2 craft items- Haven’t sold anything yet, but I managed to take pictures and list 12 items on my etsy shop.  I’ve also made a bunch of stuff I plan to photograph and list today or tomorrow.
4.  Finish Cleaning out old room- I don’t know if I’ll finish this month, but I’m still making progress.
5.  Make 2 new recipes- Nothing new yet here either.
6.  Do Pilates everyday- 20/20 woohoo!!

15 March 2011

Seven Deadly Sins..Pride

Saw this on another blog and thought it might be fun.  It all started with My Money, My Life so check hers out and join in if you are interested.

7 things I take pride in

1.  I'm book smart. School has always been really easy for me, I don't like to talk about it around people I know because people sometimes treat you different when they know how you do in school and especially for someone like me who never particularly had to try to  hard to get there.  I suppose while  I'm proud about it, I'm a little ashamed as well. 

2. I have a masters degree.  I suppose this goes hand in hand with number one, but I have a Masters degree and I'm very proud of myself that I managed to  make it that far.

3.  I'm on anxiety meds. Okay, so this sounds weird but hear me out.  I've never been good at going to doctors or in general asking for help and seeing a doctor about needing anxiety meds took a lot of courage for me and I'm proud I was finally able to do that.

4.  I am an awesome baker!  I can pretty much bake anything I try my hand at and it turns out well.  It may take an attempt or two but I bake awesomely delicious stuff. 

5.  I'm crafty.  I don't craft as well as I bake but I make a variety of stuff and I'm  proud of the things I try my hand at and often times the final products.

6.  I've made it far in life.  I'm 24 with a brand spanking new car, a nice apartment, a fabulous boyfriend, and a great job.  I think I'm doing pretty good. 

7.  I'm adventurous.  Well maybe not as adventurous as some, but I've been skydiving, I traveled in a foreign country alone, and I'd like to try hang gliding (among other things).

That was hard for me to do!  I don't take pride in myself very often but I did manage 7 things.  Here's the sin schedule if you want to join in!

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

14 March 2011

Weekly Money Check Up

This post is part of My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check Up.  

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on  crafts.  I spent $50 on crafting supplies to make things for my etsy shop.
2. Today I feel nervous towards money. I'm going over budget in almost every category and it makes me uncomfortable.  I really need to learn to curb my spending habits.
3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was have spaghetti with our friends that live upstairs.
4. I will consider this week a success if I.. manage to keep up on Pilates and have a blast on the scrap retreat.
5. My ancestors are Irish, German, Norwegian, English, Sioux, and Mexican.  What an odd mutt I am :)  

If you'd like to participate, fill this out and link it back to My Pretty Pennies.

Weekly Money Check-Up is a fill-in-the blank post once a week. The first four questions are always the same each week and the fifth is always different. Care to participate? Fill in the blanks in the comments section or post it on your blog and link back to here! Thanks for participating! :)
1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on _____.
2. Today I feel _______towards money.
3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was_____________.
4. I will consider this week a success if I _____________.
5. My ancestors are _____________.


12 March 2011

End of the Week Checkup

1.  Complete my No Eating Out Challenge- well.  I cancelled this and just decided to stick to my lowered eating out budget.  so far I'm still in budget!  and I already did the expensive things.
2.  Read 10 books!-2 down!  8 to go. 
3.  Sell 2 craft items- I went to a consignment shop to inquire about selling stuff there.  I'm probably not able to there yet becuase they are full on jewelry, but I'm going to work on more stuff and see what happens. 
4.  Finish Cleaning out old room- I've bought a few boxes of stuff home and weeded through them.  Still have a lot more to go.
5.  Make 2 new recipes- Haven't made anything new but I got a subscription to a meal planning service for $4 for 6months, so it will hopefully give me some new ideas to try.
6.  Do Pilates everyday- Success so far 11/11!  one day was boudoir pics but since I had to hold similar positions to pilates I counted it :)

05 March 2011

End of the Week Goal Check-Up

Granted we are only 5 days into the month, but so far I'm doing really good!

1.  Complete my No Eating Out Challenge- So far I haven't even gotten a treat out although I have been tempted a few times.  Unfortunately I already have two meals out planned. 
2.  Read 10 books!- I'm almost done with one book, should have it finished early next week and hopefully have a second one done by the end of the week.
3.  Sell 2 craft items- no progress yet
4.  Finish Cleaning out old room-so I haven't actually made it to my parents' house yet, but I have made progress organizing my apartment and creating room for more stuff and I went through the last batch of stuff that has been in my car for a month.  I'm planning to swing by my parents' place when I get off work today and bringing a few boxes of stuff home to go through.
5.  Make 2 new recipes- no progress here. 
6.  Do Pilates everyday- 5/5 days so far!  hooray!

03 March 2011

A few additions

Two little changes to things said before

1.  I'm adding on another March goal: do pilates everyday.  I managed to get about a 30 day streak of exercising going so I think I can do a 31 day streak of specifically pilates. 

2.  I've actually read 5 books so far.  I forgot to add in Comfort Food by Kate Jacobs which receives an eh rating from me.  Not particularly bad but not particularly good either. 

Carry on now. 

01 March 2011

2011 Goal Check-up

A little review of how 2011 is going:


Make a workable budget and stick to it (or at least keep tracking it)-Made the budget and am at least tracking it, although having a hard time sticking to it. 

Pay $12,000 towards my debt- so far I've paid 1300 towards debt.

Make an extra $1,000-nothing yet.


Lose 35 pounds-  I've lost 4 pounds so far

Exercise everyday- I was doing well for a while.  Not so well now.


Read 120 books.  I'm really not doing well here.  I've read 4 so far and in the middle of 2 more.  I've finished Carry On Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse, 61 Hours by Lee Child, Worth Dying For by Lee Child, and A Sister's Secret by Wanda E. Brunstetter.  I recommend the first 3 and very much so do not recommend the last.

Try 25 new recipes- I've been trying new recipes.  So far I made Chicken and Dumplings, Lasagna, Rosemary Chicken, Tres Leches Cake, Toffee (which was a failure), stuffing, and a sausage crescent roll thing.  So thats 7/25 done!!

Learn to knit more than just a scarves.  I looked up how to knit a blanket and it seems I might be capable of that so I should be trying that sometime soon.

28 February 2011

So I've been MASSIVELY MIA...

February was a chaotic month to say the least. I had a number of problems that I was dealing with among my friends, so blogging went by the wayside.  I'm also ashamed to say I did very bad as far as budgeting goes.  On the plus side, I spent last night helping my newly divorced friend who has never been on her own before create a budget for herself and it sparked a desire to better in me. 

So for now we'll ignore those January goals, skip right past February and start looking at March. 

Even though I've been off track, I plan to start March off with a challenge.  I will be doing a No Eating Out challenge for the month of March.  I will be allowing myself 3 cheat meals and 2 cheat treats.  The meals are eating lunch, breakfast or dinner out and my "treats" are when I need a coffee, cocoa, or ice cream pick me up.  Even my cheats may sound like a lot of eating out to most of you, but for me its still less than half of what I spent eating out last month!

So, here goes my March Goals:

1.  Complete my No Eating Out Challenge
2.  Read 10 books!- this is especially ambitious for me, but I'd really like to make more time for reading than I currently do
3.  Sell 2 craft items
4.  Finish Cleaning out old room- with the weather warming up I may be more ambitious about making the drive to my parents house to do this.  We'll see.
5.  Make 2 new recipes

I think I'll leave it at that for today since even that looks a little optimistic to me :)

22 January 2011

Saturday Goal Checkup

So its a sick house here. I am just finally feeling almost normal after having my wisdom teeth pulled. It only took 2 weeks :|  I can mostly eat normal now.  I still have to be careful about food getting stuck in the holes, but I feel so much better.  Just as I'm getting better, however, Wesley came down with strep throat!  So he's miserable and I've been taking care of him (and consequently spending more money than usual buying him meals and paying for some medication for him since his money is far tighter than mine).  But anyway, on to my goal update!

1.  Finish Cleaning out the old room.  I haven't been back since last I checked in about this.

2.  Try 3 new recipes.  No new recipes from last time either.

3.  Read 12 Books.   I've finished 3 books so far this month.  61 hours, Worth Dying For, and Carry On Jeeves.  I'm also making progress in a fourth book. 

4.  Exercise 465 minutes.  I should be at 330 minutes and I'm only at 165 :(  Too many days of just 5 minutes of exercise during the wisdom teeth extraction healing.  Hopefully I'll be able to make it up. 

5.  Finish my 21 days in a row streak of exercise.  I met this goal and surpassed it!  Made it to 26 days in a row before I slipped up and missed a day.  But I've only missed one day of exercise all month!

6.  Finalize my budget for 2011.  So, my raise is not retroactive til December 18th :(  My degree conferred date is January 8th, so I don't get any back pay.  I still won't know what a usual check looks like til February so I can't finalize the budget til then, but I have a budget based on what I think I'll be making and its flexible in that I'm scheduled to be putting a bunch of extra money towards debt so thats the only number that will change if I am making less or more than expected.

See you guys on Monday hopefully!!

19 January 2011

Weekly Money Check-up

This post is part of My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check Up.  
1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on groceriesI made a trip out to Whole Foods and one to target and spent 100 between the two.

2. Today I feel optimistic towards money. My raise goes into effect as of this pay period!  YAY!

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was scrapbookMaybe not too inexpensive, since I spent a chunk of money on new supplies, but not too expensive either.

4. I will consider this week a success if I do the 30 day shred 2 more times.

5. My signature outfit is jeans and a tee-shirt I guess.  I've never really considered myself to have a signature outfitI suppose it could also be a black A-line skirt, tights, and knee high boots with some sort of sweater on top.  Thats probably my favorite outfit.

If you'd like to participate, fill this out and link it back to My Pretty Pennies.

11 January 2011


My wisdom teeth extraction is still making me feel pretty miserable.  My boss told me to stay home one more day and I should be back in tomorrow.  On the one hand its awesome to be spending all my time on the couch watching all the Biggest Loser seasons on Hulu Plus and reading, on the other I hurt so bad that I would rather be at work and not in pain and able to eat real food!

On the plus side I've eaten some AWESOME eggs today and I've managed to keep up working out every day even through this mess.  Granted from Friday on I haven't done more than pushups and stretching, but I can do more pushups now and I haven't given up.  I made it 22 days in a row as of today!!  I'm also down a pound and a half (mostly because I can't really eat).  Feeling good about that and excited to get back into a more intense exercise regime hopefully tomorrow or the day after.  I think I'll try for the 30 day shred tomorrow, but not push myself too hard in it.  I'm hoping to go the whole month of January working out.

I've also decided to reward myself with a new wardrobe when I hit 140.  Its on the high end of what I'd like to be, but I'll be healthy and thats what matters.  It puts my BMI in the right range, all my bloodwork is good as of now, and if I'm exercising regularly, I'll be happy.  I've got a pretty positive attitude right now about the whole losing weight thing.  Only 29 pounds to go! 

10 January 2011

Weekly Money Check-Up

This post is part of My Pretty Pennies Weekly Money Check Up.  

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on my teeth.  910 to get all 4 pulled out and the anesthesia. 

2. Today I feel excited towards money.  My degree finally came through so I should start my raise effective this past Saturday!!!  YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was do the 30 Day Shred 3 days in a row!!  Jillian is one tough $%#^$@^# and to do that workout 3 days in a row is a huge accomplishment for me.  I think I could have done more if not for my stupid teeth!

4. I will consider this week a success if I get back to working out.  These damn teeth!

5. I love snow.  I hate driving in ice, but I love sitting inside looking at the snow outside, or sledding down a giant hill of the stuff!

If you'd like to participate, fill this out and link it back to My Pretty Pennies.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on _____.
2. Today I feel _______towards money.
3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was_____________.
4. I will consider this week a success if I _____________.
5. I _______ snow.

07 January 2011

Friday Goal Check-Up

I got my wisdom teeth pulled this morning.  All four were long overdue for being pulled.  I'm not feeling fabulous but the painkillers definitely help.  This post may be a little odd, since I still feel a tiny bit foggy, but I'm trying anyway.  :)

1.  Finish Cleaning out the old room.  I've made progress so far.  I took a few boxes of stuff to goodwill, I have a few bags in my car right now to sort through, and I plan to do some more work on it next weekend hopefully.  I've also taken some stuff from the apartment to goodwill, which I was very excited about.  An old TV we don't use left us as well as a nightstand and small shelving unit I didn't like.

2.  Try 3 new recipes.  We made a delicious chicken and potato dish that was so incredibly easy we will probably try it again.  It was a little heavy on the Rosemary for my tastes, so we'll probably switch up the spices a bit when we try again.

3.  Read 12 Books.   I finished one book, and I'm hoping to finish another book or two this weekend since I'm basically couch-bound for a while.

4.  Exercise 465 minutes.  I should be at 105 minutes at this point, but I'm only at 85.  Not too far behind but I don't think I'll do much more than 5 minutes a day this weekend.  I should be able to get back on track by keeping up doing the 30 day shred when I feel better.

5.  Finish my 21 days in a row streak of exercise. 18 days in a row!  I'll meet this goal on Monday!!

6.  Finalize my budget for 2011.  I found out what my raise is and made a loose budget based on what I think my check will be, but I still have to wait to actually see a check to finalize this.  This might be pushed off to February because my first check with my raise will be larger than normal because it will be retroactive to December 18th when I completed the degree.  We shall see.  I've made progress and that's what counts.

See you guys on Monday hopefully!!

03 January 2011

Oh Mondays...

Good afternoon all!  Hope everyone had great holidays and are starting the new year off with a bang!  It was especially hard for me to get up and get my butt into work this morning.  I had a late night last night at a surprise party for a friend.  It was a lot of fun at least. 

I've been considering getting a gym membership this past week or so, in the spirit of my healthy lifestyle decision and finally come to the conclusion to skip it.  I know I have no energy to get up and out of the house when the temps dip into the single digits, so I'll just wind up wasting the membership most of the time.  Instead I think I've settled on buying a gazelle.  With any luck, my friend's mom still owns one and will be willing to sell it to me for $30 or so.  Either way though, I'm settled on getting one.  It will help to have something to do while watching TV and its nice that it can be folded up and put in a closet, since space is such a huge concern in our apartment.

Hooray for getting healthy!! 

01 January 2011

December Goal Review

1.  Get the guitar and extras, Itunes gift card, and the doll up on Ebay. FAIL  Did not happen.  Hopefully next month.  I've at least started the process on the guitar.

2.  Take 4 boxes to goodwill.  OK  I took one box in. But I have three boxes waiting to be loaded into the car, so not really a pass or a fail.

3.  Meet my 100 books goal!  FAIL

4.  310 minutes of Exercise. PASS WOOOOOOOOO!  This is the goal that was most important for me to meet so I'm glad I surpassed it!  I ended the year with 320 minutes!

5.  Revamp my Budget.  PASS  Okay, so this is not a total pass, but I'm going to count it.  I revamped it based on what I think my raise will be but I still don't know for sure so I'll probably be re-revamping it in January.