15 March 2011

Seven Deadly Sins..Pride

Saw this on another blog and thought it might be fun.  It all started with My Money, My Life so check hers out and join in if you are interested.

7 things I take pride in

1.  I'm book smart. School has always been really easy for me, I don't like to talk about it around people I know because people sometimes treat you different when they know how you do in school and especially for someone like me who never particularly had to try to  hard to get there.  I suppose while  I'm proud about it, I'm a little ashamed as well. 

2. I have a masters degree.  I suppose this goes hand in hand with number one, but I have a Masters degree and I'm very proud of myself that I managed to  make it that far.

3.  I'm on anxiety meds. Okay, so this sounds weird but hear me out.  I've never been good at going to doctors or in general asking for help and seeing a doctor about needing anxiety meds took a lot of courage for me and I'm proud I was finally able to do that.

4.  I am an awesome baker!  I can pretty much bake anything I try my hand at and it turns out well.  It may take an attempt or two but I bake awesomely delicious stuff. 

5.  I'm crafty.  I don't craft as well as I bake but I make a variety of stuff and I'm  proud of the things I try my hand at and often times the final products.

6.  I've made it far in life.  I'm 24 with a brand spanking new car, a nice apartment, a fabulous boyfriend, and a great job.  I think I'm doing pretty good. 

7.  I'm adventurous.  Well maybe not as adventurous as some, but I've been skydiving, I traveled in a foreign country alone, and I'd like to try hang gliding (among other things).

That was hard for me to do!  I don't take pride in myself very often but I did manage 7 things.  Here's the sin schedule if you want to join in!

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.

Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.

Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.

Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.

Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.

Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

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