02 December 2010

November and December Goals

November Goal Review

1.  Finish moving stuff out of my parents' house.  Fail  I'm making strides in the right direction, but I'm not there yet.  I think I need to break down goals more next month.

2.  Stay in my $250 grocery budget. Fail.  And I've lowered my budget for next month so it may be an uber fail, but I'm going to keep trying.

3. Earn 2 Amazon gift cards through SwagbucksFail.  Man this is starting to look pathetic...

4.  Stay in my $100 eating out budget.  Pass. Okay.  I went $2 measly dollars over.  Its close enough and considering I usually round up to the nearest dollar I was probably actually under.

5.  Get up to 91 books.  Fail.  Totally.  Not even up to 80 yet.  I don't know if I'll make it to 100 this year. 

6.  260 minutes of Pilates/Exercise.  Pass!!  Wooooooooooooo!!!!

7.  Keep up at least weekly posting on my craft blog. Pass  I did 4 posts, I think that counts :)  

December Goals

1.  Get the guitar and extras, Itunes gift card, and the doll up on Ebay.  I may list these myself or I may take them somewhere for them to list it.  I want them gone though!

2.  Take 4 boxes to goodwill.  I have a milk crate and a box of the same size that I've been using to transport stuff to goodwill and I want to fill each up twice and take it to goodwill from the stuff at my parents' house.

3.  Meet my 100 books goal!  I'm thinking I need to start listening to audiobooks at home in place of my TV watching and then I might be able to meet this.  I also may pick some shorter books :D

4.  310 minutes of Exercise.  I'll probably focus on Just Dance 2 here, but I'll likely get in some Just Dance 1 and hopefully some pilates. 

5.  Revamp my Budget.  There are two main things I need to change with my budget.  First off, I think I need to switch it to running from the middle of one month to the middle of the next.  This is because I put everything on my credit card and pay my card off each month so I think my budget month should match my credit card month.  Secondly, I get a sizable raise when I complete my degree mid-December so I need to sdjust my budget for the new income and to start paying off my loans (even though they don't come due until June)

I think 5 goals will do it for this month.  I'm less focused on specific portions of my budget partially because I expect to screw up with it being the holidays and partially because I need to revamp the budget.  We shall see how this all goes!

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