28 December 2010

2011 goals

This blog was started to focus on getting myself out of debt so that is what I should be focusing on in my 2011 goals, but that is not the case.  I decided to make 2011 my year for focusing on my health.  This post by J.D. at Get Rich Slowly reinforced my decision.  My primary focus for the year is to lose weight, be more fit, and be all around healthier.  For so many years school has been my top priority and other things have fallen by the wayside.  This year my focus is on my health.  And if that means I have to pay only the minimum on my debt, or spend so money to keep me focused and inspired, then so be it.

Now I'm not talking about going out and blowing a couple thousand on an elliptical machine, I'm talking about buying a new DVD or game when my exercise routine gets a little stale.  Reasonable spending still since my finances are important, but I want to put my weight and health before putting extra money towards my debt.  With that in mind, I'm making financial goals, but I will not beat myself up if I fall short of them because this other area of my life takes priority.

With that said, down to the goals!


Make a workable budget and stick to it (or at least keep tracking it)- again this is still waiting on the raise!

Pay $12,000 towards my debt- this works out to be paying about $250 more than the minimums every month, but I expect my tax return to go towards debt as well.

Make an extra $1,000- I've never had a goal like this before but I'm hoping to get my Etsy shop up and running again so I think this is doable.  The intent is for this to not include my tax return. 


Lose 35 pounds-  this is a very doable goal for a year!  The biggest loser contest I signed up for starts in a week and a half and I also got a biggest loser calendar for the year so I can't forget that this is a goal for me!

Exercise everyday- I'm not talking about an hour of workout time everyday (although I wouldn't mind working up to this)  I want to do something EVERY day, even if its just a handful of situps.  I started on this goal a little bit ago and so far I'm at 8 days in a row!


Read 120 books.  I know I didn't meet my 100 goal in 2010, but I think I can meet the 120 goal in 2011.

Try 25 new recipes  I really want to broaden my cooking horizons, and it will help me get healthy.

Learn to knit more than just a scarves.  'nough said.


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