14 August 2010

August Goals

So last time I told you about some of my big goals. The problem with big goals is that it is easy to lose track of them, so we make shorter term goals to accomplish. Here’s what I’m trying to do for August:

1. Increase my steps regularly so that I am up to 7000 steps. Basically, I’ve decided that each day I want to walk at least 100 more steps than the day before. Just started a few days ago, but so far so good.

2. Get my book count up to 70 books. As I said yesterday, I’m sitting at 62. 68 puts me on track and 70 puts me slightly ahead for the end of August.

3. Keep track of what I eat at least 80% of the time for the rest of the month. I just started using livestrong.com again (I love their new version of the myPlate feature) and I need to keep up with what I’m eating. I’m not prepared to commit to losing x pounds per week, but counting is the first step

4. Freezer Cook 2 meals. This might be cheating, since I just cooked one, but I’m new to freezer cooking so I’m starting small.

5. Keep to my eating out and vacation budgets. This gives me $35 for eating out the rest of the month and $100 for our staycation which can include meals out as part of the staycation. It might be tough but Wesley (which is what I hav decided will be DBF’s code name) owes me a meal cuz I paid for the last one, so that helps :)

6. Have a smooth move with as little costs as possible. I move the last weekend of August, out of my parents house and into an apartment with Wesley. I hope to keep my move expenses to the beverages and pizza that we will pay our friends in, but we’ll see if more is needed.

Lets hope I can finish these goals!

Next Time On Whooshing Sounds: A little bit about my Staycation plans.

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